Sunday, January 30, 2011

building with yarn contest!

Ready to enter the Lion Brand Yarn Build with Yarn Contest? Excellent, here's how it works.

Publish! - Publish a new Instructable that shows how to build something with yarn. Instructables must be published during the contest period to be eligible. That's from Jan. 24 to Feb. 20 (11:59pm PST).

Enter! - Upon publishing your Instructable you'll see checkboxes for open contests. Select the Lion Brand Yarn Build with Yar Contest. If you missed it and it's eligible, it will show up below.

Now what? - Entries need to be accepted by a moderator before they're in the contest. This usually happens quickly, but can take up to 48 hours. What matters is the submission time, not acceptance time. So if you enter it at 11:59pm on the last day, it can be accepted the next morning and still be in the contest. And then it's on to the...

Voting Phase - After the contest closes for entries, it immediately enters the voting phase. At this time, any Instructables user can vote for as many entries as they want. Voting can be done on the Instructable page or here on the contest page. These votes help determine the...

Finalists - Half of the finalists are determined by the user votes, and the other half are determined by Instructables staff. It's our own checks and balances system. Then it's on to the...

Judging Phase - A panel of judges made up of Instructables staff, friends of Instructables, and respected members of the community judge the finalists. Each judge rates the entries on a scale of 1 to 9 and we average out the ratings to determine the winners.

Winners! When the winners have been decided they are announced here on the contest page. Both winners and non-winners will be notified when this happens so you don't need to keep checking. We do as much as we can to determine the winners as quickly as possible, but sometimes there are emergencies, lost Wifi connections, and other bits of randomness that may cause a delay. All the same, if you entered, we will let you know when the results are posted.

OK, then, good luck and have fun!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A lil' somethin for all you paper people...

If Ever you are interested in participating in a residency in New York City, here's a program specifically for paper people:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The MAD Museum (Museum of Arts and Design) Manhattan

Hello ladies and happy new year! I recently went to the MAD Museum in Columbus Circle, Manhattan, and there are 2 ... well 3 actually, 2 fiber oriented ... exhibits happening that are worth seeing!

There is "Eat Drink and Design" a selection of artists ceramics.  Including a piece by Cindy Sherman - an artist I've become familiar with due to her work as a photographer. This exhibit ENDS February 13th,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=advsearch&style=single&currentrecord=1

another imminent exhibit:

"Think Again: New African American Jewelry" this exhibit is only up until February 27th 2011 so if you can get to Manhattan I'd highly recommend it ! There are some truly inspirational pieces! As well as the permanent Jewelry Collection that the MAD museum has.,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=advsearch&style=single&current - record=4 

As well, "The Global Africa Project" -
 a traveling exhibition, has in it's collection some personal favorites of mine, Nick Cave, Joyce Scott and Missoni among other painters, muralists, graphic designers, sculptors ... etc.  

So if you have the chance I would urge you to get down to Manhattan.  Thankfully the Global Africa Project will last until May and it was my most favorite!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Linen! French!

Hey Everyone! Hope your vacations are warm and lovely.

Here's a cute little glimpse into the world of European Linen production... Pretty neat, so organic.

BE LINEN MOVIE from Linen and hemp community on Vimeo.
